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ما الفرق بين translator و interpreter ?

2 إجابة

+1 تصويت
مترجم شفهي ومترجم تحريري  (interpreter و translator) ,  كلا الكلمتين تعني "مترجم" أي الشخص الذي يقوم بالترجمة من لغة الى أخرى . لكن الفرق بينهما هو أن "interpreter" مترجم فوري (شفهي) فقط  ؛  بينما "translator" مترجم شفهي وتحريري . أي انه يقوم بالإظافة الى الترجمة الشفهية بترجمة النصوص المكتوبة .
Thank you, as always brilliant progress
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الاجابة بالانجليزي اسفة بس اشرحها في  ترجمة قوقل عادي اوكي
What is the difference between ‘interpreter' and ‘translator .   Many people tend to use the words interchangeably. Both a translator and an interpreter ave command of two or more languages. According to most dictionaries, an interpreter is  someone who deals with the spoken word. For example , when someone gives a speech in any language at the UN General Assembly , interpreters speaking in different languages (French, English, Spanish, etc) let the audience know what he or she was saying. This sort of interpretation where the speaker and the interpreter talk at the same time is
called ‘simultaneous interpretation'. We also have ‘consecutive interpretation'. In this case, the speaker talks for a few minutes and stops, giving the interpreter time to inform the audience what the speaker has just said.  like the interpreter, the translator mostly deals with the written word; he rewrites documents from one language to another
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